Routine Well Woman's Exam
Executive Well Woman's Exam
Cervical Cancer Screening (PAP Test and HPV)
Pregnancy Testing and Early Pregnancy Evaluation
Bladder Infection Evaluation (UTI)
Yeast Infection Evaluation
Bacterial Vaginosis Evaluation (BV)
Discrete and Confidential STD Testing (Basic and Extended Screen)
"Please Help Dr. Strickland, I Don't Know What's Going On Down There" Evaluation " ☺
Emergency Contraception (Plan B)
Birth Control (Nuvaring, Mirena IUD, Skyla IUD, Paragard IUD, Birth Control Pills, Nexplanon)
Perimenopausal and Postmenopausal Natural Hormone Balance
Teen Women's Health (Including Relatable"Know Your Girl Parts☺" Teaching, Birth Control, Irregular Periods, STD Screening and Prevention, Sexual Health)
Inheritable Cancers Screening: Breast (ie BRCA1,BRCA2), Ovarian, Gastric, Colorectal, Pancreatic, Endometrial, and Neuroendocrine Tumors
Referrals to World Class Infertility Specialists
Referrals to World Class Minimally Invasive Gynecological Surgeons and Gynecological Oncologists
Expeditious Arrangement for Breast Ultrasounds and Mammography Services in Beverly Hills with Same Day Results